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Abortion: The Democrat's Unholy Communion


Yea, they sacrificed their sons

and their daughters unto devils,

And shed innocent blood, even the blood

of their sons and of their daughters, whom they sacrificed unto the idols of Canaan:

and the land was polluted with blood.

Psalm 106:37-38

Holy communion unifies Christianity in the foundational truth that the blood of Jesus Christ was shed and his body was broken so that we might be saved. This is the core teaching of the Christian church, it is what makes us Christian.

Abortion is the Unholy communion that binds the Democrat party together. It is their core principle and without it the Democrat party would cease to exist.

Abortion is the unholy blood sacrament of the Democrat party.

They believe that the shedding of blood of the poor innocents and the breaking of their tender bodies is essential for the salvation of women from the sin of undesired conception.

This is their confession. The basis of their creed. Other issues come and go but abortion is the Democrats source, their power and well spring. It is the very profession of their faith.

Abortion is their unholy grail that they continually seek. Their ark and their covenant that no man dare touch. It is their joy and their crown. The platform for every election. The doctrine that must be espoused lest you be found a heretic and purged.

The Democrat party is a religion. A religion of death and dismemberment, A religion of human sacrifice where the innocent are offered up on the demonic altar of human sacrifice.

God created the woman with a holy tabernacle within her. A sacred temple of life. A place of miracles. Abortion is the violation of that sacred temple to extinguish the flickering candle of promise. It enters in like a thief to steal and plunder and kill.

The sacred temple of life, the womb, becomes a tomb. The child must die so the woman might live unencumbered with the promise of wealth and prosperity, career and good fortune.

The Democrats fear Democracy. They claim that the majority of Americans support the killing of babies in the womb. Then why are they afraid of the Supreme Court overturning the awful decision of Roe v. Wade. The issue simply goes back to the people and the States where elections will decide.

Unfortunately abortion will remain legal in many States but I believe God will bless the states that ban it and chastise the evil ones that slaughter the innocent. The Democrats do not want states to have this right to decide for themselves. Just like with Covid the Republican states that stood for freedom fared much better than the wicked who oppressed the people.

As believers the fight for life will not end with this decision. We must elect pro-life governors and assemblymen to fill every office and stamp out this awful scourge of abortion that our land might be healed.

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