That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. (Romans 10:9-10)
I hear the name of Jesus spoken more often by the unsaved than by the saved, only they use the blessed name as a curse word. I have often wondered what possesses a worldly person to use the name of Christ in vain in the first place and why are believers so hesitant to use Christ's name in praise before all? Why should it offend the world if we give praise to our Lord and Savior? We are the ones who should be offended by the cursing of the world.
We tend to think of these verses as only applying to the action of conversion. If you confess Christ once "you're in" and that's that. Salvation is only the beginning of our open confession of Jesus Christ. If He is in our heart and we believe how can we stop our mouths from praising Him and speaking of Him.
It is the trick of the devil to convince believers they need to keep their traps shut and not upset the worldly. It is the suggestion of the devil to accuse the believer of "wearing his religion" on his shirt sleeve because the believer openly speaks of Christ Jesus.
Don't be a dead beat believer. Don't hide your light under a bushel. That willingness to confess Christ openly that you experienced at your time of conversion is just the first step. Start jogging. No, start openly running. The world doesn't need more closet Christians. Come out of the closet and confess your Lord openly. When everyone around you hears you talk about Jesus they will hold you to account which will help you in your endeavor to live righteously.
If you are not "saved", Why not? Why wallow in your sin when God offers His Grace through simple faith in Christ Jesus? By getting right with God you get right with your own heart. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Confess your sin to Him. Pray to Him and then tell others about the one who has changed you and given you new life, new hope and a new start.