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Did they mean to make "Dark Brandon" look like he was the commander of Hell? Or the son of Hitler?


Updated: Sep 3, 2022

It is an abomination to kings to commit wickedness: for the throne is established by righteousness. (Proverbs 16:12)

It was an Abomination!

Last night I listened to the president of the United States declare his political opposition extremists that must be stopped using all the powers of the government . Biden actually said, many times during his speech that the greatest threat to "Democracy" and our nation is MAGA REPUBLICANS. If you wonder how Hitler rose to power we are seeing a replay before our very eyes and Satan's media is eating it up. They are blood thirsty. We are seeing the rise of wickedness in our government the likes of which have never been seen before.

Biden spoke about liberty and freedom but not for the "extremists" who should have no such rights because they are the enemies of democracy.

What is an extremist?

According to Biden it is someone who believes in MAGA – Make America Great Again. Someone who voted for Biden's political foe... i.e. an extremist is a Trump voter. Surely anyone that would not vote for the Democrat candidate is extreme and a "clear and present danger" as Brandon put it.

An extremist is anyone who wants an investigation into the 2020 election to make sure that it was fair or expects the voter roles to be kept clean so the dead stay in their graves on election day.

None of these things are extreme. They are only the paranoia of a deranged old man.

What is extreme

What is extreme is to shoot Republican legislators at a ball game. What is extreme is attempting to assassinate a Supreme court justice or harassing and intimidating them at their homes and private restaurants.

What is extreme is to burn down billions of dollars of private homes and businesses with frenzied rioting and looting. What is extreme is having the FBI investigate parents for speaking out at school board meetings and make up dossiers to spy on presidential candidates and set up their staff while lying in order to destroy them with perjury charges.

What is extreme is to send KGB goons to your political adversaries home to steal all of his presidential memorabilia while looking for any dirt to manufacture a crime out of. What is extreme is to believe that Joe Biden won the 2020 election!

Must I go on? What is extreme is putting the sexually confused transvestites in charge of Federal bureaucracies and banning our military from saying “he, she, her, his and replacing it with ridiculous made up words demanded to be used by the gender confused and tormented. What is extreme is GENITAL MUTILATION of our youth and supporting schools giving hormone blockers to students without parental knowledge (or even with it). What is extreme is to encourage libraries to have drag queen shows for children. These things are not only extreme they are totally deranged!

Sorry Brandon but the greatest threat to democracy is what I saw last night. A megalomaniac at the wheel of government with an unashamedly hellish, Nazi like background who would rather threaten the American people than assauge their doubts about the election by having full disclosure.

Do not think for a moment that the setting was unintentional. CNN even lightened the background to pink because the optics were so terrifying.

The media is calling him "Dark Brandon"... the new Biden... the one they have been looking for and want taking on Donald Trump and anyone that supports him. The one that will trample the constitution and all that America historically stands for to silence any opposition to the New World Order, the Great Reset and all the other diabolical plans of the devil and his angels so that total evil rules the world.

I am left wondering: Was this speech a preparation for the arrest of Donald Trump and the hard nose Tienanmen Square shut down of any protest of the arrest by the masses? I certainly expect that we will see false flag attacks blamed on Trump supporters.

Wickedness has filled our Federal government. Pedophiles, the sexually confused and deviant have not only been praised but placed in charge of the bureaucracies and even the Pentagon. It is all corrupt and a corrupt tree cannot bring forth good fruit.

It is only two months before America has one more chance to turn our government around. Do not give up on voting yet. May this election bring an astounding defeat to the forces of darkness that are the real threat to Americans.





Every Knee Shall Bow and Every Tongue Confess That Jesus Christ Is Lord!

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