"It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:"
(Hebrews 9:27)
Senator Dianne Feinstein has died at 90 years old. Along with it has come a pile of fake piety as pharisee "Christians" point the finger of judgment against those who dare express any delight in her being taken from her senate seat and powerful position as a pawn of the devil himself and planned parenthood. Feinstein is among the most influential persons in the fight for killing pre-born children and using tax dollars to pay the assassins of little children.
I cannot rejoice over any soul perishing in hell but hell is real and if it is reserved for any heartless, evil being it is reserved for someone who has no empathy for the most innocent. The miracle of a child in the womb.
How can a Christian not rejoice when one of the bulwarks of the abortion mill industry dies and their influence taken away?
I believe the fake piety is disgusting. The same Christians who will judge a brother for expressing delight in the removal of the wicked from power are generally the same ones that love to quote the fragment of the verse "judge not" as an excuse not to make moral judgments about people who embrace all manners of sexual perversion and mutilation and dismemberment of pre-born children.
Feinstein has had 90 years to repent and turn to God. Instead she has faithfully served her father the devil. Oh, how that comment will offend the modernist Christian who will be quick to judge me for saying it but where have all the PREACHERS gone who tell it like it is unashamedly? A public person committing public evil must be called out not coddled.
This one woman has made a career out of the blood of infants. I rejoice for their sakes. The Bible commands: "Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear. "
(I Timothy 5:20)
The Bible itself calls for the destruction of those who do evil in this world:
[9] For there is no faithfulness in their mouth; their inward part is very wickedness; their throat is an open sepulchre; they flatter with their tongue. [10] Destroy thou them, O God; let them fall by their own counsels; cast them out in the multitude of their transgressions; for they have rebelled against thee. (Psalms 5:9-10
I would rejoice much more if only she had repented of all the evil she has invoked on our nation and on the world and confessed her public wrongdoing and voted righteously but she didn't. Sure, I would rather rejoice over her salvation and repentance but as there is no evidence of such I rejoice that her evil reign of terror has come to an end.
The Bible speaking of the lost world says: "There is no fear of God before their eyes." (Romans 3:18) When preachers no longer preach against sin and wickedness but coddle the wicked in their way instead they encourage the wickedness. Let there be no mistake about it. The people of the abortion world are monsters. The blood of preborn babies is the communion cup of the Democrat party and the broken bodies of the innocents the bread of their fellowship. Many Republicans drink from their cup too.
Do those Christians who pretend to be sorrowful over the death of this tyrant sorrow over each of the children torn to pieces or burned to death by saline because of the decree's of this woman?
I will rejoice that her long reign as the queen of infanticide has come to an end.