Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. John 14:27
As the war in Ukraine threatens to destabilize the Western nations plunging them into war and another disturbing front is burgeoning in the Pacific over Taiwan another WW2 seems to be brewing.
Our nation is in turmoil. Mass shootings nearly everyday. Rioting and looting in the streets of major cities. Feral teenagers attacking innocent people "just for the fun of it."
Politically we are a polarized nation on the verge of civil war. Inflation is eating up the lower middle class and on the southern border a literal hoard of invaders is massing and thousands of military troops are being sent down to quickly process them as they flood our border states.
Spiritually it seems that every sick and perverted way is being heralded, protected and encouraged and Satan has taken center stage.
We are anything but in a time of peace.
Yet Jesus reassures us. We need not be troubled or afraid for our peace is centered on Christ himself. We know that our God is in control. Not even a sparrow falls without His knowledge. Our peace is not dependent on the world but on Christ Jesus the Lord.
The devil wants to rob you of that peace. He wants your heart and mind to be in distress. In the midst of all the turmoil around us Christ offers us inner tranquility. It is a peace that nothing of the world can achieve. Not yoga, eastern meditation, not even tranquilizers.
If you are nervous and upset Christ offers you rest. As World War 2 refugee from the Nazi concentration camp Corrie Ten Boom used to say, "Don't wrestle, just nestle". Trusting in God gave her peace in the midst of the storm and Jesus offers that peace to all of us as well.
Just take your turmoil to the foot of the cross and leave it there. Trust Him. His peace is not apathy to troubles or being in denial. His peace is an inner confidence and calm reassurance that enables us the strength to confront the challenges that face us.