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There is nothing better for a man, than that he should eat and drink, and that he should make his soul enjoy good in his labour. This also I saw, that it was from the hand of God.

(Ecclesiastes 2:24)

It is a disgrace that Americans love their holidays but care little about what the holidays mean. On Memorial day few take part in the commemorations and most Americans seem to think it simply to be the starting gun for a summer of fun and frolic while Labor day is the signal that summer fun is over and it is time to get back to work.

The Bible elevates labour. It discourages laziness and sloth. Man was created to work and enjoy the fruit of one's labour. You might notice that the King James Bible spells the word differently than the world. The world has taken "U" out of Labour but the KJB wants U to Know that Labour is meant for U! Work is not belittling. The snobbish attitudes of today look down on labor jobs as "menial" and beneath their dignity as if such jobs are shameful. The Bible considers work to be fulfilling and no matter what the job is to do the best we can do for the glory of the Lord.

Labor day is not a celebration of labour. It is a celebration of organized labor and labor unions and it has strong Communist connections.

Perhaps since Labor day's history and meaning is lost on most Americans maybe it is time for Christians to lay claim to it and make it a day to celebrate labour as God's plan for human fulfillment and satisfaction.

I have always thought it odd that we celebrate "Labor" by taking a day off from work. It seems to me that if we really are celebrating "Labor" we would all work for free that day to show how thankful we are for our jobs and employment. But it is not a celebration of Labour. It is a celebration of organized labor unions.

Labor day did not come about because our political leaders read the Bible and thought - Hey... the Bible celebrates labour so lets have a day to honor the working man. The history of labor day is a history of violence, rebellion and Marxism.

Grover Cleveland established the first Federal labor day holiday in 1894 in an attempt to quell the unrest of the socialists whose workers protests were becoming increasingly violent with the Haymarket protest resulting in a bombing and the killing of a dozen people. Added to Grover Cleaveland's political woes was that the transportation of goods came to a standstill during an already bad recession because of a strike against the pullman car company which the Rail workers participated in shutting down the railroads.

Cleveland attempted to make a distinction between the May 1st international workers day already established by the International Socialist Conference in 1889 to promote Marxist ideology throughout the world by setting a different date than May 1st as the American celebration of labor unions making it the first Monday in September.

May 1st already had negative connotations in most American's minds because of it's association with communists and anarchists and violence. It is not a celebration of labour but a day to encourage socialism, communism and labor unions which are anything but for "worker's rights" and actually restricts the rights of individual workers. I am one such worker forced off of a job because I refused to join and pay dues to communists and thugs.

C. E. Ruthenberg one of the leaders of the American labor movement wrote in the May Day, 1923, edition of the Weekly Worker, wrote: "May Day – the day which inspires fear in the hearts of the capitalists and hope in the workers – the workers the world over – will find the Communist movement this year stronger in the U. S. than at any time in its history.... The road is clear for greater achievements, and in the United States as elsewhere in the world the future belongs to Communism." In a Weekly Worker of a generation before, Eugene V. Debs wrote in a May Day edition of the paper, published on April 27, 1907: "This is the first and only International Labor Day. It belongs to the working class and is dedicated to the (communist) Revolution."


The rise of the industrial revolution and the radical changes in workplace employment following the civil war gave tremendous impetus to the rise of these socialist labor unions.

Some of the policies the unions were fighting for highlighted the "slavery of the working class". 12 to 16 hour working days and unjust working conditions were real problems that the governing class refused to address because the governing class and the rich elites were one and the same. This is not capitalism but is called "Croney Capitalism". Interestingly many companies here in Wisconsin are hiring with the expectation that you will work a 12 or 16 hour day and many people want it so that they do not have to have two or three part time jobs to make ends meet.

The world was able to see what outright Marxism would reap in countries like the Soviet Union and Red China. The United States avoided the totalitarianism that the cousins of big labor induced in those places where May 1st the International Workers holiday became synonomous with Communism.

Today the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer and that is going to escalate quickly unless the MAGA Republicans gain control of the Congress this election. We do not have true Capitalism in America today it is a disgrace to even call our system capitalist. Those employers who cheat their employess out of their share of the profits and keep untold Billions for their own coffers are not practicing capitalism at all but are practicing greed. Capitalism invests the capital it does not hoard it it spreads it. In true capitalism the employees are shareholders not just those who participate through investment.

( Employees are the most important investment therefore true capitalism invests it's "capital" most heavily in what investments are most necessary and important!)

Capitalism depends on property rights whereas the socialism of the Labor movement pushes for government to control production and the use of property and resources as well as rule over individuals right to free association of their own labor.

Well,, better hurry up and get to the beach or your cook out and best to ignore the communist underpinnings of this holiday.

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