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Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.


Let your light so shine before men,

that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

(Matthew 5:16

"This little light of mine" is a favorite children's song. It teaches children to be examples of goodness to others.

As Christians we should not be afraid to "let our light shine." Jesus said that we are in a world of darkness and the Scriptures tell us that men love darkness and hate the light because it exposes their deeds as evil.

And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. (John 3:19

That is why the Christian is tempted to hide their light under a bushel. Just to get along with the world. But our light is what it is all about. Jesus lights us up. Our light is a reflection of the glory of the Son of God just as the moon reflects the glory of the sun and God wants His light to shine from us.

At one time in our country almost all organized charitable work was accomplished by Christians. Feeding the poor even caring for the sick. Then the government took over charity and took money by force to give to who they decided it ought to go to. Now many who receive government charity (welfare) are unappreciative and take it for granted.

The government stole the light of charity and extinguished it. It robbed Peter to pay Paul. The government wants to appear to care as if they are the one's with the heart for the people but they do so with other people's money. That is socialism not charity.

Christians still attempt to feed the hungry but it isn't the same anymore because government welfare has poisoned the pool. American's have forgotten the good works of Christianity that established our country. The first schools and universities were established by Christians. Churches ran schools to educate and free slaves. Churches established the first hospitals to care for the sick as well as homes for invalids. Most people have no idea that Yale and other ivy league schools were started by Christians to train up men for the ministry of Christ.

So Satan had to steal the light and make it look like government is the savior and giver of good gifts. It gets worse! Old, spiritually dead churches are now taking government money, stolen from the pockets of others and are performing "ministries" which are nothing more than government feeding centers or child care centers or other social centers.. But this is not charity at all. Jesus said, "Let YOUR light shine". Charity must come willingly from your own pocket. To take from others by force to give to others might have made Robin Hood famous but it is still theft.

We will soon be in a time where government policies will fail. People will be hungry and supplies will be scarce. It looks like by this time next year there will be great opportunity once again to "let our light shine" and help others truly in need, helping them in the name of Jesus. Watch out. The government will begin confiscation so they can redistribute in their own name to who they want.

Ultimately our light must be the gospel of Christ. Man cannot live by bread alone. Hardships turn people towards God and we must be prepared to let the light of the Gospel shine through us. If you have never prepared a testimony of your faith in Christ now is the time to do so and look for opportunities to tell others about what Christ Jesus has done for you. Your testimony is your greatest light and it beats the devil every time.

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. (Revelation of John 12:11

Let it shine, Let it shine, let it shine!





Every Knee Shall Bow and Every Tongue Confess That Jesus Christ Is Lord!

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