" Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not
of her plagues."
(Revelation of John 18:4 [KJV])
Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, (II Corinthians 6:17 [KJV])
The photo above is the Flag of the German Christians, 1932.
Throughout the Nazi regime the majority of Christian churches in Germany supported Hitler and his evil regime. Even those in the "Confessing Churches" who opposed to Hitler early on later gave in and went along so that they would survive. Hitler used the writings of Martin Luther to validate his genocide against the Jewish people and others. Many supported Hitler and approved of his eradication program.
After the war Christian denominations in Germany issued apologies to the world for not taking a stand and for staying silent in the face of atrocity. Too little too late.
The reason for the second Amendment of the United States constitution is so that the American people can defend themselves against a government like the one that rose up in Germany. Such personal defense will be unnecessary if Christian Pastors and Churches would take stands early and identify political movements that threaten the people and purge their congregations of those who support them. Why wait until it is too late and afterwards issue apologies like the "christian churches" who supported the Nazis.
For decades I encouraged believers to boycott both major political parties. We had a saying in our church that there isn't a nickles worth of difference between the Democrats and the Republicans.
Every election the Republicans said they would work to overturn Roe and even when they had the presidency and both houses they did nothing opting instead to wait until they lost the house and only then present pro-life amendments and spending bills they knew would not pass.
I stood against both parties presidential candidates for many elections; Dole, Bush, Romney and McCain encouraging Christians to vote for a third party instead.
I voted against Trump in the primaries and could not imagine voting for a man so connected to New York and mafia and wealth and network television a man known as a playboy with several broken marriages and owner of a gambling casino.
When the Democrat party kicked God off of their presidential platform with much fanfare and applause I knew I was witnessing a widening divide between the two parties
It was a debate where I heard Trump pledge to appoint only Judges who would overturn Roe v. Wade that I became convinced to vote for him. No republican candidate had ever dared to say this before. Sure they talked about being pro-life but when it came to judges they maintained that they would appoint judges based on their record not their political viewpoints. Abortion is not a political viewpoint at least it should not be. After George Bush was elected and had a majority in the house and senate he said that America was not ready to overturn Roe. I knew that skull and bonesman was a dirty fraud.
Trump spoke against the federal reserve. He spoke about guarding our borders. He spoke about getting our troops out of foreign conflicts. He spoke of upholding Christian values which I was sure he knew nothing about but seeing that the Democrat party was plunging so deeply into the abyss there was a very wide gap between them and the Republicans and so I determined to support the Trump election and vote.
Now we are seeing that Trump kept his promises in spite of demonic opposition. Do I think he is "born again?" I do not see that fruit but then I wonder if a truly born again Christian could really serve as commander and chief or ever get elected at all. The end result? Decades of broken promises by Republicans kept by Trump and unless this is an evil trick by the Supreme court Roe V. Wade is on the trash heap of history.
With Trump out of office most Republicans are back to their old tricks. Deep State actors and fake conservatives but the Party is still being bouyed up by Donald Trump and his effect is filling government positions with true conservatives and many born again Christians.
In the meantime the Democrat party has become so vile and wicked that it ceases to be a political party at all. It is now a demonic religion.
The Party that "Cancelled" God from their platform
The party not only of abortion but now they push for what they call "after birth abortion."
The party of sexual confusion and perversions.
The party that hates America's heritage and founding fathers and has supported the teaching of fake history in our schools.
The party of the "Ministry of Truth" and censorship.
The party of flooding Islamic terrorists with implements of war in the Billions of dollars as well as funding Nazis to kill innocent people in Donbas.
The party of wokeness and fascist corporate control.
The party of forced medical treatments and lockdowns and deficit spending and funding of every liberal group and policy on earth.
The party of social credit scores and covid passports
The party of violent extremists and riots
The party of the gulag where Americans are held without trial
The party that opposes the first and second and third and fourth amendments of the constitution, the Bill of Rights.
The party whose leader is crooked bilking millions from a Ukrainian fossil fuel company
The party in bed with the communists of China whose leader profits from gifts from the Chinese military
The party that stirs up racial hatred and strife
The party that declares white people guilty of oppression by virtue of their skin tone
The party of godless geeks, perverts and wierdos
The party of Big Tech and social control (hopefully ending)
The party of using the FBI, CIA, and IRS to spy on the American people even presidents and to create false pretenses for lengthy investigations and impeachments
The party of false flags and invasions and war in foreign nations
The party of communism and yet the party of wall street and the great reset
The Party of using the FBI to frame and entrap Americans
The Germans never had so much warning about the Nazi party as we have today. The Democrat party is not only "un-american" it is anti-christ and those fake pastors and pastorettes that fill so many pulpits in their rainbow robes and support the Democrat party are outright wolves in sheeps clothing.
They are those the Bible warns of.
For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works. (II Corinthians 11:13-15 [KJV])
Come on man!
It is time to stand against wickedness and sin especially when it is in "HIGH PLACES." We ought to obey God rather than Man.
Those who support the Democrat party must be called to repentance in our churches. It does not matter what threats the "government" makes. The church is not getting political but politics has invaded the church and family. The IRS is not our God. If we do not draw the line who will.
If someone comes into your church and it is known they are a leader of the Ku Klux Klan would you accept them into membership? If not then you are just being political by accepting Democrats who have done far more evil and killed millions more.