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And judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off:

for truth is fallen in the street,

and equity cannot enter.

Yea, truth faileth; and he that departeth from evil maketh himself a prey:

and the LORD saw it, and it

displeased him that there was no judgment. Isaiah 59:14-15

We see the absolute foolishness of our nation in that the most basic truth, a truth that even infants understand, that there are only two genders, male and female, is now a topic of confusion. How pitifully hopeless our society is become.

Truth has been abandoned. We now have a supreme court justice that cannot define what a woman is. The Bible says, "Thinking they were wise they became fools."

The Bible tells us that in the last days there will be a "great delusion." If people can fall for the many genders and fluid gender lies they will fall for anything. Even the mark of the beast and worship of the Anti-christ.

We have amazing technology for communication today and yet how much can be trusted? Under Barak Obama the government struck down a law that forbid the government from domestic propaganda. (Link- domestic propaganda) At least by doing so they were admitting what they had been doing illegally for decades. (operation mockingbird link)

We see the former president embattled by accusations that are decades old (Link Statue of limitations) with no evidence to back them up while the current occupant's crimes are blatantly evident and serious, yet the media not only turns a blind eye but teamed up with powerful government agencies to create a BIG lie in a desperate attempt to cover up the many serious crimes of the Biden cartel. (Link 51 lying spies)

We have suffered through years of daily coverage of Russian collusion. A lie that began with a fake dossier paid for by the Hillary campaign against Trump, that became the impetus for the FBI and CIA to spy not only on Trump's campaign but on his presidency as well.

Beyond that the entire world was put through the most wicked psyop the world has ever seen with the covid plandemic resulting in the loss of millions of lives, devastating the global economy, plunging millions into hunger and poverty and violating the precious liberties that are the core of what our nation was supposed to be. Churches shut down and ministers jailed simply for meeting. "Singing in church was forbidden" , loved ones died alone as family was shut out of nursing homes and hospitals, and yet all of these abuses based on lies are quickly falling into the memory hole.

The US through NATO has attempted to encircle Russia with military bases, nuclear weapons and dangerous "biolabs". The US overthrew a neutral government in the Ukraine in 2014 in what is the most blatant coup in history setting up a US puppet government on the border of Russia. The US violated the agreements with Russia concerning the eastward expansion of NATO and even began a push for Ukraine to join NATO. The US began conducting joint military drills with actual NAZI Ukrainian troops while propagating an 8 year war against Donetsk and Luhansk populations . (Ukraine on fire documentary)

There is nothing believable coming from our government or the media. Schools are filled with lies from the gender delusion to radical Marxism to made up history (1619 project) to abortion and gender transformations behind parents backs, there is no longer truth in the schools.

Once the Creator, Bible and prayer were kicked out of our so called "public" schools, truth had fallen in America. In just my lifetime I have witnessed America's fall from grace. I remember singing hymns in gradeschool and starting the day with the pledge of allegiance and prayer. We also prayed over our milk and cookies.

School shootings were unheard of and yet my school had a shooting range in it's basement for students. It was not uncommon for students to carry guns and hunt on their way to and from school.

When the fount of Truth is expelled from school and public life it is no surprise that Satan, who is "a liar and a murderer from the beginning" would take up the slack.

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