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States such as Florida that had strong leadership during the Covid 19 crisis and protected businesses schools and churches from lock downs and protected individual liberty against COVID passports, masks and other forms of oppression experienced the “red wave” or very strong Republican support. These Republicans had the opportunity to prove their commitment to individual liberty and gain the people's trust.

However, States with incumbent Democrat control that strongly oppressed individual liberty and even instituted COVID passports did not see a red wave at all but some such as New York and Pennsylvania became even more Democrat in spite of their COVID policies and in spite of Biden being an unpopular president.

What happened?

The Democrats ran on the abortion issue and the Republicans ran away from it rather than confront it head on. Democrats, the ones that hate and attack our constitutional rights and liberties turned the tables on the Republicans making them out to be the ones against personal liberties by playing the abortion “rights” card and the Republicans ran from it like cowards.

Republicans thought that running against high inflation and a bad economy were issues that were more important than the abortion issue to voters.

The Republicans ran from the Dobbs decision like rats from a ship on fire. The Democrats smelled blood which always gets them in a frenzy and always puts Republicans on the defensive.

Is it that hard a thing to defend not pulling children apart limb from limb within the womb? Shouldn’t this be an issue that the Republicans should be excitedly running on defending the Supreme Court decision striking down Roe?

Not enough to “claim” the pro-life label!

It isn’t enough to claim being pro-life you have to know why you are pro-life and you must claim it as the moral high ground and stand firm.

This election was the perfect opportunity to attack the Democrat’s unmerciful stance on abortion. Democrats want legal abortion up through the ninth month. They should be portrayed as the merciless savages they are. Republicans should have blanketed the networks with adds showing the process and results of abortion pulling arms and legs off as the child fights to get away from the abortionists tools.

Why not adds appealing to virtue and goodness and family and babies? Why not adds showing the cruelty and hard heartedness of those that are pro-abortion? If the Republicans cannot make their case why claim to be pro-life?

Republicans have to fall in love with large families and promote Christian and home schooling. They need to mock Democrats for policies that kill the future of their own constituency. They need to give Democrats awards for keeping minority numbers in check so cleverly by use of abortion. How is it that Democrats can encourage the genocide of the black people and do it for 50 years and get away with it? Only because Republicans refuse to point out the evil the Democrats are doing. With Planned Parenthood selling body parts and the FBI arresting peaceful prolife protestors while ignoring the firebombing of pro-life clinics the Republicans ignored a great opportunity.

Voters want to vote moral imperatives

The old cliché that voters vote their pocketbooks is not entirely true. Voters want to feel that their vote is a moral imperative. That is why the Democrat slogans about Women’s rights and protecting Democracy were powerful even in the face of great hypocrisy by the actions of the Democrats. Those who vote Democrat were reinforced in their sense of righteousness.

In Wisconsin the Democrats have already noted their success and they believe this will be the issue to turn the rural “red” districts blue in the next election.

The thing is, the reality of abortion is so horrific that no one is willing to show it and if voters do not see the carnage they can put it out of mind. It will be the job of pro life activists to get the message out these next two years. We have to get the ugly truth of abortion out there so that it can’t be avoided. The truth is able to prevail if it is made known and the Democrats must be forced to wear the badge of dishonor and shame for their hard heartedness and cruelty to the most vulnerable.


The Republicans are not likely to turn aggressive on the pro-life issue. In states that are in play on the issue they are likely to chicken out. We may even see a strong pro-abortion lobby emerge in the Republican party because of their losses.





Every Knee Shall Bow and Every Tongue Confess That Jesus Christ Is Lord!

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